Get the most out of your time on the slopes by arriving fit to ski . A simple set of stretches and exercises which you can do at home and in your local park will increase your core strength, endurance, mobility, flexibility and stamina giving you the best body to have the most fun on your holiday.
Example Gym Exercise
If you are a member of a gym the best idea is to talk with your resident specialists about exercises and routines which can help strengthen your core and improve your aerobic fitness related to skiing and or snowboarding.
Example Outdoor Exercise
Depending on your level of fitness you can customise the pace and length of exercises to fit with your desires.
- 5-15 minute very gentle jogging warm up to your local park
- Gentle stretching/ yoga routine. A good way to stretch all areas is to start at your feet and ankles and work up: – Rotating feet one at a time, – hamstring stretches bending your leg and holding your foot to your bum, – hip stretches rotating your core with legs close together and then wider and wider until you get as close to doing the splits as you feel comfortable, – rotating upper body left to right while standing in a balanced stance then swinging arms in circles small to large, – rotating your neck and stretching your neck left to right.
- 10x press ups, 10x sit ups (depending on weather), 10x burpees, 25x squats
- 10-30 minutes regular jogging around your local park
- Optional sprinting x 10 25metre bursts
- 5-15 minute very gentle jogging/ walking warm down back home
Example Home Exercise
- Gentle stretching/ yoga routine. A good way to stretch all areas is to start at your feet and ankles and work up: – Rotating feet one at a time, – hamstring stretches bending your leg and holding your foot to your bum, – hip stretches rotating your core with legs close together and then wider and wider until you get as close to doing the splits as you feel comfortable, – rotating upper body left to right while standing in a balanced stance then swinging arms in circles small to large, – rotating your neck and stretching your neck left to right.
- 10x press ups, 10x sit ups (depending on weather), 10x burpees, 25x squats
- Climb and descend staircase x10
- Repeat if desired
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